Process foam with a laser with speed and precision

The quickest process for cutting foam and filters with laser cutters from JustLaser!
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Anyone wanting to cut filters and foam with a laser would be well advised to use a high-quality JustLaser Laser Cutter. Lasers can be used to quickly and easily cut a number of foam materials made from polyurethane, polyethylene and polyester. Laser cutting is a common process in the production of upholstery, high-quality packaging or seals. It is also used for processing handicrafts, photo frames, extravagant souvenirs or in fab labs.

You don’t need a wide range of equipment to be able to cut filters and foam with a laser: after brief training, you can use a JustLaser laser machine to cut the following materials without any issues:

  • Polyurethane (PUR)
  • Polyethylene (PE)
  • Polyester (PES)

Perfect lasercut of foam

with the super pulsed laser tube from JustLaser

super pulsed laser

The super pulsed laser tube built into every JustLaser Large Laser Cutter ensures the best cutting results even for laser cutting foam. Due to the very narrow cutting gap and the high peak performance of the laser tube, foams up to 10cm thick can be cut perfectly in the best quality. Inclined or curved cutting edges are a thing of the past!


With a super pulsed laser tube you get more power for your applications. The built-in laser tube offers much more power than the purchased power. With a 650W laser tube you can get more than 2,000W (2kW) peak power for a short period of time. With a super-pulsed laser tube, for example, you can achieve a much lower tan on cut edges, since the high peak power leads to faster evaporation of the material in the kerf and the short interaction time inhibits heat conduction. The power is thus conducted into a smaller, defined volume, which in turn leads to the kerf narrowing.


A JustLaser Laser Cutter is a versatile tool when it comes to cutting filters and foam with a laser: this means that the production of individual prototypes is just as easy as the serial production of products at consistently high quality. It is not necessary to clamp or fix the material in place when processing foam. In addition, no pressure is exerted on the product during laser cutting, meaning that laser cutting is an extremely gentle process. Simply lay down the material to be processed and you can do what you want to – it doesn’t get much quicker, simpler or more efficient than that!

Integrating your laser into your existing work processes is just as simple: depending on the construction program used, the laser can be connected via a digital interface, which is extremely beneficial in rapid prototyping, and for small lot sizes in general. The process wins people over as a flexible and effective technology with high throughput rates. Not least because of this, also from a financial perspective, lasers – as opposed to expensive water jet technology – are usually chosen for cutting foam. The results impress through perfect cuts with cleanly melted and sealed edges. Depending on the material, specific weight and the available laser output, materials with a thickness from at least 15 mm to around 30 mm can be processed at a high quality.

Our Laser Machines


Cutting filters and foam with a laser has many benefits thanks to the high level of flexibility of the process. Modern filtering technology essentially fulfils the function of cleanly separating out any process by-products. In some cases, the separated materials are the desired end product. It is, therefore, extremely important that the filters used are designed and constructed accurately.


Filter fleece has a low specific weight and consists of a mesh of fibres which holds back nearly 100% of particles in a certain size interval. Filter fleece is used for separating solids from fluids in a number of industries. Contaminants can be separated through the wet filtration process. The yeast is separated in the production of fermented drinks in order to stop the fermentation and thus significantly increase the product’s shelf life. Selecting filter technology, filter capacity and filter service life suitable for the specific process is imperative for producing a high-quality end result at a simultaneously high throughput rate. The material is often made up for the specific filter patterns (of the housing or filter frame, for example). Cutting filters with a laser is considered common practice; after all, it quickly and easily makes individual, just-in-time assembly possible.

Filter fleece can be used in different patterns for bag filters, pressure belt filters, vacuum filters, basket-shaped filters or round hose filters. Laser cutting is the most advantageous technology as long as the fleece lays flat during the cutting process. On the other hand, it only makes economic sense to use cutting dies if you have a high throughput rate or if changes to the cutting pattern are rare. In laser cutting, you often get sealed / melted cut edges, the setup time is very short (simply load the new job into the computer) and no new cutting dies need to be produced (costs) or stored (costs and setup time). Another benefit is that there is no tool wear as there is in punching, and the costs are easy to calculate.  Furthermore, contours can be freely chosen in laser cutting, which is hugely beneficial in practice. Anyone wanting to cut filters and foam with a laser would be well advised to use a high-quality JustLaser Laser Cutter.


There are many reasons why cutting filters and foam with laser is a common procedure today. When it comes to filter processing, there are – in comparison to mechanical processes (usually punching) – five arguments that make a clear case for laser cutting:

  • Perfect cut edges: as lasers automatically heat-seal the cut edges, there is absolutely no fraying or material wear. The valuable material available is utilised optimally: nothing is wasted.
  • Flexibility and precision: the JustLaser Laser Cutter offers a wide range of possibilities, even when used daily – from large-format cuts to delicate cuts. The automatic supply and removal of material can be freely selected. When processing foam and filters with a laser, the laser cutters impress through their speed, top levels of precision and their repetition accuracy.
  • Ideal cost control: As there is no tool wear, unlike with punching, the costs can be calculated easily – which guarantees ideal economic efficiency. The storage of cutting dies, delivery times, the costs of this and the dependence on die makers are eliminated.
  • Simple work process: in contrast to stretching or punching, it is not necessary to exert any force on the material in laser cutting.
  • Cleanliness and hygiene: as the cutting process is practically dust-free, laser cutting also does well with regards to hygiene and cleanliness.

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